"Portables are going to be a way of life. That's the reality." Trustee Terry Allen
The Surrey school district (SD36) is the fastest growing and largest school district in British Columbia (BC) with student population in excess of 74,000 students with an average per student funding of $8,657 for the 2017-18 school year, compared to the provincial average of $9,099 per student. For 2019-20 fiscal year, Surrey is expected to spend over $10.7 million out of its operating budget on its 361 portables. The plethora of portables is unique to Surrey in that the population of approximately 9000+ students (estimated 25 students per class) in Surrey’s portables exceed the whole student population of the New Westminster school district.
Due to the diversion of $10.7 million out of Surrey district’s operating budget annually to maintain and operate portables, Surrey students are unjustly and inequitably treated compared to the rest of BC. Some common problems/ concerns attributed to overcrowding and extended bell systems are:
• No dedicated technology/ computer room, music room in some schools, etc.
• No teachers available before and after class (Parents now paying for tutors!)
• Unable to get core classes for graduation
• Forced or encouraged to graduate early after all core classes were taken
• No opportunity/ increased competition to be on sports teams, band, etc.
• Health and safety issues relating to waiting for washrooms, air circulation, and germs/ bacteria
• Siblings separated due to schools at capacity.
• Closed to catchment
• Lack of after-school care.
Additionally, there are 187 portables in Surrey’s highest growth catchment areas (33 elementary schools feeding into 5 secondary schools: Sullivan Heights Secondary, Clayton Heights Secondary, Ecole Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary, Semiahmoo Secondary, and Ecole Earl Marriott Secondary School) have total enrollment of 22,907 students (enrolled 5,005 more students than their total capacity of 17,902 students). An average of 128% of its capacity. For comparison purposes, the entire Langley school district had 21,586 students in 41 schools in the 2016-17 school year.
New school builds or expansions to existing schools did not grow in tandem to its student population. New school builds are eight years behind schedule.
Just to keep up with annual growth of 1000 students (based on estimated 10% of 100,000 City population growth), Surrey needs new schools now! It needs two new elementary schools every year and one new secondary school every two to three years.
Funding for education is under provincial jurisdiction and approved annually by the BC government. We urge you to call and write your MLA, the Minister of Education, Minister of Finance and the Premier.

o Schools Closed to Out-of-Catchment Registration – 2019-20 (except siblings):
Surrey School Construction in Progress
2019-20 School Boundary Catchment Map:
SSC Surrey District Stats (link)
Create link to SSC Surrey District Stats with following text to create pdf document under ADVOCACY TAB
We Need More Schools Now!
Surrey is the largest school district in BC (74,000 students in 130 school sites: 101 elementary schools, 20 secondary schools, 5 learning centres, 3 adult education centres, online learning program, and a variety of satellite and inter-agency programs).
Elementary Schools:
•In 2018-19, 86 of 101 elementary schools were over 100% capacity; In 2017-18, 55 of 101 elementary schools were over 100% capacity
In 2018-19, over 86% elementary students are attending a school that is over-capacity; In 2017-18 over 61% elementary students are attending a school that is over-capacity
Secondary Schools:
15 of 25 secondary schools are overcapacity
78% of secondary students are attending a school that is over capacity
For September 2019, 40 of the 101 elementary schools and 5 of the secondary schools are closed to out-of-catchment registration to families moving in after Sept 1st who will be forced to find a school outside of their neighbourhood.
If families move in after Sept 1, they cannot go to the school that is right in their neighbourhood
In 2018-19, there are 330 portables in use; 275 portables in 2016/2017 school year (makes the population in Surrey portables the 24th largest school district)
Currently 48% of elementary schools have portables and 75% of secondary schools have portables.
For 2019-20, the district had projected 361 portables, including 10-12 portables being moved around to help with the higher growth areas.
Schools will be over capacity by 9,000 students in 2019-20 (which is greater than the entire New Westminster School District)
The district is expected to divert $10.7 million a year from the classroom operating funds to help pay for, move and relocate, maintain and operate portables.
Overcapacity summary: Primary/Elementary schools are over by 1,100 students overcapacity (this equals to 3 primary schools); Secondary schools are overcapacity by 2,000 students (this equals to 2 high schools).
•Even if new schools are announced today, there is a 2-4 year delay before they can be opened, and will be full upon opening.
•This impacts families and the development industry
The Schools
Sullivan Heights Secondary School
- Ministry Capacity 1000
- Current Enrolment 1550 ** 155% of capacity
- 14 Portables / capped with kids waitlisted – expected to go to 1600
- If cap was not placed enrolment would have been over 1800
- 18 portables / extended school schedule (5th block)
Clayton Heights Secondary School
- Ministry Capacity 1000
- Current Enrolment 1360 ** 136% of capacity
- 11 Portables
- 18 portables / extended school schedule (5th block)
École Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School
- Ministry Capacity 1400
- Current Enrolment 2100 ** 150% of capacity
- 18 portables
- Enrolment capped with kids waitlisted – expected to go to 2150
- if cap was not placed enrolment would have been over 2200
23 portables
- extended school schedule (5th block)
École Earl Marriott Secondary School (Grandview Heights)
- Ministry Capacity 1500
- current enrolment 1900 ** 127% of capacity
- 8 portables
- no cap but also no out of catchment allowed
- extended school schedule (5th block)
Semiahmoo Secondary School (Grandview Heights)
- Ministry Capacity 1300
- current enrolment 1900 ** 127% of capacity
- 8 portables
- no cap but also no out of catchment allowed
- extended school schedule (5th block)
Highest Number of Portables (2018)
- Katzie: 12
- Cambridge: 11
- Woodward Hill: 11
- Hazelgrove: 10
- Sunnyside: 7
Highest Number of Portables (2018)
- Katzie: 12
- Cambridge: 11
- Woodward Hill: 11
- Hazelgrove: 10
- Sunnyside: 7
• Province
o Premier John Horgan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (250) 387-1715
o Minister of Finance and Deputy Premier Carole James This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (250) 387-3751
o Minister of Education Rob Fleming This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (250) 387-0896
o Surrey MLAs:
Bruce Ralston This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (604) 586-2740
Garry Begg This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (604) 586-3747
Harry Bains This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (604) 597-8248
Jagrup Brar This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (604) 501-3227
Jinny Sims This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (250) 387-9699
Marvin Hunt This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (604) 802-9863
Rachna Singh This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (250) 387-3655
Stephanie Cadieux This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (250) 356-6171
Tracy Redies This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (604) 542-3930
• Surrey
Surrey School Board of Trustees:
City Councillors
Sample Letters
Sample Letter: (Instructions in blue and need to be deleted, yellow highlights removed).
1. Sample - Elementary School Letter:
Address: MLA (or Premier/ Minister of Education/ Minister of Finance/ Mayor/ City Councillor/ Board of Trustee) via email:
Copy: Other Surrey MLAs via email
A summary of the issue.
Re: Issue at your school (Eg: Too many portables, lack of washroom in portables, unable to select core courses required for graduation, health and safety issues, transportation issues due to siblings at different schools, no playground space due to portables, no music room, etc…)
Dear Sir/ Madam:
Tell the recipient of the letter what the issue is.
My child (children) are attending XXXX school in the Surrey school district. They are in grades XX and XX. They are attending a school where it is overcrowded to the point that there are now XXX portables in the school. They have no play-space as portables are now placed on top of the basketball court and soccer-fields. They have no washrooms in the portables. The portables are too cold in the winter and too hot and summer. Our school gym is too small to accommodate all school grades for assemblies such as Christmas concerts.
List any complaints of your children about portables, lack of play-space and any health-related symptoms if any.
My children have complained that it is extremely inconvenient to go into the main building to go to the washroom when it is cold and wet. They had been sick. The playground is always full and difficult to play with all their friends.
Explain why you’re concerned and need for MLA (other) to respond.
I am concerned about the environment my children are learning in and lack of resources in the school. I understand that the District is spending $10.7 million on portables a year and are taking resources away from the classroom. Please write back to let me know what the Province is doing to improve the overcrowding issues at my district and my school.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Name, Parent
2. Sample - Secondary school letter:
Address to MLA (or Premier/ Minister of Education/ Minister of Finance/ Mayor/ City Councillor/ Board of Trustee) via email or address:
Copy: Other Surrey MLAs via email
A summary of the issue.
Re: Issue at your school (Eg: Too many portables, lack of washroom in portables, unable to select core courses required for graduation, health and safety issues, transportation issues due to siblings at different schools, no playground space due to portables, no music room, etc…)
Dear Sir/ Madam:
Tell the recipient of the letter what the issue is
My child (children) are attending XXXX school in the Surrey school district. They are in grades XX and XX. They are attending a school where it is overcrowded to the point that there are now XXX portables in the school. My son/ daughter are unable to select the courses they need for graduation. They are unable to select electives of their choice. The hallways are so overcrowded or the washroom line-ups are so long, etc, they are late getting late to class.
List any complaints of your children re: overcrowding, etc.
Eg: My son/ daughter is very academically inclined and was unable to get into Chemistry 11/ 12, Physics 11/ 12, due to class limits. He/She is worried that they will now have to change career paths.
Explain why you’re concerned and need for MLA (other) to respond.
I am concerned about the overcrowding and its mental health effects on my children’s learning. They are very anxious. I understand that the District is spending $10.7 million on portables a year and that is taking resources away from the classroom. Please write back to let me know what the Province is doing to improve the overcrowding issues at my district and my school.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Name, Parent